Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Overview is an innovative AI-driven reminder and productivity application designed to enhance user efficiency and accountability. By providing personalized follow-up interactions and multi-channel communication, bridges the gap between traditional reminder systems and interactive personal assistance.

Problem Statement

Individuals with ADHD, like myself, often struggle with remembering tasks and staying organized. This can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and decreased productivity. Recognizing this challenge, we developed to ensure tasks are never forgotten by providing persistent reminders and follow-ups.


The primary objective of is to enhance user productivity and accountability through robust reminder management, smart scheduling, and proactive follow-ups.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × product manager
1 × product designer
8 × engineers

Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Overview is an innovative AI-driven reminder and productivity application designed to enhance user efficiency and accountability. By providing personalized follow-up interactions and multi-channel communication, bridges the gap between traditional reminder systems and interactive personal assistance.

Problem Statement

Individuals with ADHD, like myself, often struggle with remembering tasks and staying organized. This can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and decreased productivity. Recognizing this challenge, we developed to ensure tasks are never forgotten by providing persistent reminders and follow-ups.


The primary objective of is to enhance user productivity and accountability through robust reminder management, smart scheduling, and proactive follow-ups.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × product manager
1 × product designer
8 × engineers

Rekka AI for Resplash, Inc.

Overview is an innovative AI-driven reminder and productivity application designed to enhance user efficiency and accountability. By providing personalized follow-up interactions and multi-channel communication, bridges the gap between traditional reminder systems and interactive personal assistance.

Problem Statement

Individuals with ADHD, like myself, often struggle with remembering tasks and staying organized. This can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and decreased productivity. Recognizing this challenge, we developed to ensure tasks are never forgotten by providing persistent reminders and follow-ups.


The primary objective of is to enhance user productivity and accountability through robust reminder management, smart scheduling, and proactive follow-ups.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × product manager
1 × product designer
8 × engineers

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As the UX Designer for, my primary role was to ensure that the application provides a seamless, intuitive, and engaging experience for users. This involved understanding the unique needs of our target audience, especially individuals with ADHD, and designing interfaces and interactions that cater to those needs.

User Research and Persona Development

To create a user-centered design, I conducted extensive user research to gather insights into the challenges and behaviors of our target audience. This included interviews, surveys, and usability testing with individuals who have ADHD. Based on this research, I developed detailed user personas to guide the design process. These personas helped in understanding the specific needs, pain points, and motivations of our users.

Key Design Contributions

Simplified Reminder Setup

  • Problem: Traditional reminder systems can be complex and overwhelming for ADHD individuals.

  • Solution: I designed a straightforward reminder setup process that mimics a natural conversation. Users can set up reminders by simply chatting with Rekka via WhatsApp or on a call. This conversational interface reduces cognitive load and makes the process intuitive and engaging.

Smart Scheduling Interface

  • Problem: ADHD individuals often struggle with managing their schedules and determining the best times for reminders.

  • Solution: I created an interface that integrates Rekka’s smart scheduling features. The design highlights optimal reminder times suggested by the AI, based on the user’s past behavior and current schedule. This helps users make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed.

Engaging Follow-Up Interactions

  • Problem: Consistent follow-ups are crucial for ensuring task completion, but they need to be engaging and non-intrusive.

  • Solution: I designed interactive follow-up notifications that gently nudge users to complete their tasks. These notifications are personalized and vary in format (e.g., text, voice call), keeping the user engaged and motivated without feeling pressured.

Multi-Channel Accessibility

  • Problem: Users need flexibility in how they receive reminders and interact with the application.

  • Solution: I ensured that is accessible across multiple channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, phone calls, and in-app notifications. The design maintains a consistent user experience across all platforms, making it easy for users to stay organized, regardless of the device or medium they prefer.

User Feedback Integration

  • Problem: Continuous improvement based on user feedback is essential for the application’s success.

  • Solution: I incorporated mechanisms for users to provide feedback directly within the application. This includes quick feedback prompts after interactions and detailed feedback forms. The design also includes analytics dashboards for the team to monitor user engagement and satisfaction, ensuring we continuously refine the user experience based on real user data.

Design Impact

My design contributions have significantly enhanced the usability and effectiveness of By focusing on simplicity, personalization, and engagement, the application provides a supportive and motivating environment for users with ADHD. The positive user feedback and high engagement rates validate the success of our user-centered design approach.


As the UX Designer for, my primary role was to ensure that the application provides a seamless, intuitive, and engaging experience for users. This involved understanding the unique needs of our target audience, especially individuals with ADHD, and designing interfaces and interactions that cater to those needs.

User Research and Persona Development

To create a user-centered design, I conducted extensive user research to gather insights into the challenges and behaviors of our target audience. This included interviews, surveys, and usability testing with individuals who have ADHD. Based on this research, I developed detailed user personas to guide the design process. These personas helped in understanding the specific needs, pain points, and motivations of our users.

Key Design Contributions

Simplified Reminder Setup

  • Problem: Traditional reminder systems can be complex and overwhelming for ADHD individuals.

  • Solution: I designed a straightforward reminder setup process that mimics a natural conversation. Users can set up reminders by simply chatting with Rekka via WhatsApp or on a call. This conversational interface reduces cognitive load and makes the process intuitive and engaging.

Smart Scheduling Interface

  • Problem: ADHD individuals often struggle with managing their schedules and determining the best times for reminders.

  • Solution: I created an interface that integrates Rekka’s smart scheduling features. The design highlights optimal reminder times suggested by the AI, based on the user’s past behavior and current schedule. This helps users make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed.

Engaging Follow-Up Interactions

  • Problem: Consistent follow-ups are crucial for ensuring task completion, but they need to be engaging and non-intrusive.

  • Solution: I designed interactive follow-up notifications that gently nudge users to complete their tasks. These notifications are personalized and vary in format (e.g., text, voice call), keeping the user engaged and motivated without feeling pressured.

Multi-Channel Accessibility

  • Problem: Users need flexibility in how they receive reminders and interact with the application.

  • Solution: I ensured that is accessible across multiple channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, phone calls, and in-app notifications. The design maintains a consistent user experience across all platforms, making it easy for users to stay organized, regardless of the device or medium they prefer.

User Feedback Integration

  • Problem: Continuous improvement based on user feedback is essential for the application’s success.

  • Solution: I incorporated mechanisms for users to provide feedback directly within the application. This includes quick feedback prompts after interactions and detailed feedback forms. The design also includes analytics dashboards for the team to monitor user engagement and satisfaction, ensuring we continuously refine the user experience based on real user data.

Design Impact

My design contributions have significantly enhanced the usability and effectiveness of By focusing on simplicity, personalization, and engagement, the application provides a supportive and motivating environment for users with ADHD. The positive user feedback and high engagement rates validate the success of our user-centered design approach.


As the UX Designer for, my primary role was to ensure that the application provides a seamless, intuitive, and engaging experience for users. This involved understanding the unique needs of our target audience, especially individuals with ADHD, and designing interfaces and interactions that cater to those needs.

User Research and Persona Development

To create a user-centered design, I conducted extensive user research to gather insights into the challenges and behaviors of our target audience. This included interviews, surveys, and usability testing with individuals who have ADHD. Based on this research, I developed detailed user personas to guide the design process. These personas helped in understanding the specific needs, pain points, and motivations of our users.

Key Design Contributions

Simplified Reminder Setup

  • Problem: Traditional reminder systems can be complex and overwhelming for ADHD individuals.

  • Solution: I designed a straightforward reminder setup process that mimics a natural conversation. Users can set up reminders by simply chatting with Rekka via WhatsApp or on a call. This conversational interface reduces cognitive load and makes the process intuitive and engaging.

Smart Scheduling Interface

  • Problem: ADHD individuals often struggle with managing their schedules and determining the best times for reminders.

  • Solution: I created an interface that integrates Rekka’s smart scheduling features. The design highlights optimal reminder times suggested by the AI, based on the user’s past behavior and current schedule. This helps users make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed.

Engaging Follow-Up Interactions

  • Problem: Consistent follow-ups are crucial for ensuring task completion, but they need to be engaging and non-intrusive.

  • Solution: I designed interactive follow-up notifications that gently nudge users to complete their tasks. These notifications are personalized and vary in format (e.g., text, voice call), keeping the user engaged and motivated without feeling pressured.

Multi-Channel Accessibility

  • Problem: Users need flexibility in how they receive reminders and interact with the application.

  • Solution: I ensured that is accessible across multiple channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, phone calls, and in-app notifications. The design maintains a consistent user experience across all platforms, making it easy for users to stay organized, regardless of the device or medium they prefer.

User Feedback Integration

  • Problem: Continuous improvement based on user feedback is essential for the application’s success.

  • Solution: I incorporated mechanisms for users to provide feedback directly within the application. This includes quick feedback prompts after interactions and detailed feedback forms. The design also includes analytics dashboards for the team to monitor user engagement and satisfaction, ensuring we continuously refine the user experience based on real user data.

Design Impact

My design contributions have significantly enhanced the usability and effectiveness of By focusing on simplicity, personalization, and engagement, the application provides a supportive and motivating environment for users with ADHD. The positive user feedback and high engagement rates validate the success of our user-centered design approach.

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Outcome has significantly improved the productivity and accountability of its users. By providing persistent reminders and follow-ups, users have reported a reduction in missed tasks and deadlines, increased efficiency, and a more organized daily routine. The AI-driven interactions have also made task management less stressful and more engaging.

Outcome has significantly improved the productivity and accountability of its users. By providing persistent reminders and follow-ups, users have reported a reduction in missed tasks and deadlines, increased efficiency, and a more organized daily routine. The AI-driven interactions have also made task management less stressful and more engaging.

Outcome has significantly improved the productivity and accountability of its users. By providing persistent reminders and follow-ups, users have reported a reduction in missed tasks and deadlines, increased efficiency, and a more organized daily routine. The AI-driven interactions have also made task management less stressful and more engaging.

I’m Felix—a product designer based in Amsterdam.

©2024 to ∞

I’m Felix—a product designer based in Amsterdam.

©2024 to ∞

I’m Felix—a product designer based in Amsterdam.

©2024 to ∞